Who Wants To Get Their Anus Bronzed?

Anyone?  How about chocolates made from a cast of your anus?


YOUR ANUS.  Now, I truly have seen everything.

Just check out this video description:

 Artists, Magnus Irvin and Michael Ritzema, run a company called Edible Anus. For fifteen years they’ve been producing chocolates made from a mould created by an actual human anus! And now they’ve taken things a step further, offering personal anus castings to anyone who’d like to see their poop chute turned into an ornament made of a more permanent material, like glass or bronze.

Alternative model and magazine cover girl, Rayna Terror, Is used to being placed in somewhat compromising positions by her work but an anus casting is right up there with the most unusual of experiences. Perhaps not quite reaching her limits but definitely getting near the edge (or should we say, the rim).

Check out Rayna getting casted by the anus fartists (sorry I couldn’t resist):

And this may be my favorite line from the video:

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