One of My Littlest Fans Just Wants to Be Different!

I never wanted to get too preachy about how much my latest song Different means to me or the message I hoped would empower people.  I know that I am no Mariah Carey and absolutely never will be but I love making music.  It was the dream of a little shy, effeminate boy dancing around his room belting out Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, Tina Turner and Cher.  I only imagined if there was a song that really said, “I’m different and that’s the way I’ll stay,” I would have played it repeatedly.  I wanted to take a simple message and deliver it in a celebratory way but yet with a strength behind it, an anthem if you will.

I got a Facebook message from a wonderful mother named Wendylou.  I had met her once before and she talked about how her son loved to wear dresses and just be generally fabulous.  She was worried if she was doing all that should could.  I told her by letting him be himself you are!  I told her she are a wonderful mother and I salute you.

This is part of the message she sent me:

“And thank you so much for your beautiful video, “Different”. I showed it to Desmond (the 7 year old) and he had me play it again and again. He really liked the message. He asks me all the time, “Why aren’t there any other kids like me?”. This is really so nice that you have been brave enough to put your personal emotions about being different out there in the world for others to relate to. It really helps.”

A-mazing.  My job here is done.  One little boy is encouraged to stay true to himself.  Be proud little Desmond and dance like there’s no one watching and if they are dance more!


This is Desmond looking FABulous!

And if you haven’t seen the video check it out:


Comments 14

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  1. Desmond you are beautiful and don’t let anyone make you feel different cause I think you are Fab just the way you are

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  2. This makes me so happy, I’m 16 and I find this very inspiring. The fact that you aren’t scared to show the world that it’s okay to be different is amazing! Xo love you Pandora

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