Just Because She Has a Blowhole…

Now I would love to have a film about me get into Slamdance. But I’m not gonna fuck a dolphin to do it. Malcom Brenner, on the other hand, was totally cool with it. Tell me you guys heard about this??


“Man who had sex for a year with a captive Dolphin called Dolly speaks out about their year-long love affair in new documentary and claims SHE seduced him.”

First of all, that is one slutty dolphin. You go girl!! Here is the thing though, this guy claims they “made love,” and that their relationship lasted a year. Which begs the question, how did he know it lasted a year? I mean how did they break up? Did she catch him porking another porpoise? Or sucking off a seal? Rubbing one out to “Black Fish?” Or did they have a fight one morning and she said “I think we should see other mammals?”

In other news…We have all seen the debate about the color of the dress going around the internet, yes?


I have a feeling Bill and Dolly would have gotten along swimmingly.







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